New essay in About Place Journal
June 17, 2024
Hello, dear readers -
I'm delighted to share my new essay in the Strange Wests issue of About Place Journal. This essay, titled "An Earth Song: A Letter from Aldo Leopold to Ta-Nehisi Coates," imagines a letter Aldo Leopold might have written to Ta-Nehisi Coates about resonances Leopold—forester, conservationist, and author of A Sand County Almanac (1949)—might have found with Coates, author of the National Book Award winning book Between the World and Me (2015). Resonances explored in this essay include race as a construct, the land ethic, and violence done to Black bodies as well as to the Earth.
The essay references, directly and indirectly, several literary works, including the Richard Wright poem "Between the World and Me," James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time, the Langston Hughes poem "An Earth Song," Pope Francis's "Laudato Si" encyclical, and Thomas Merton's essay "The Wild Places." Whew - that's a lot of backstory! Luckily you don't need to read all these reference works to understand the essay, although a familiarity with Coates's book Between the World and Me is helpful. But please check out the Strange Wests issue of About Place Journal - I'm in some fine company, including Elizabeth Jacobson, Anne Haven McDonnell, Petra Kuppers, Ann Filemyr, and Jake Skeets.
Feedback is always welcome - leave me a note at and let me know what you would like to chat about in the next issue of this (rather irregular) newsletter. In the meantime, stay cool this month!
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